Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thankyou baiba!


Thank you so much Baiba for the “The irresistibly sweet blog  awardJ Truly sweet of you:) and congrats! you perfectly deserve it
The rules are:
1.Copy and paste the award to your blog
2.Thank the person who nominated you
3.Share seven random facts about yourself
4.Pass the award to 5 deserving blogging buddies

seriously,7 random things about me are really tough to write. But here it goes:-

1.I am a diehard MJ fan
2.I love music and singing
3.I love sitting alone
4.i guess I am a good listener
5.I love books
6.I like fighting with my sis
7.I believe in following one's heart.

 I wanna pass on this award to:-
1.sneha (awesome blogger)  
2. Kzella(sweet blogger) 
3.Peaches Ledwidge( great blogger)

4.Irfanuddin(brilliant blogger)
5.mostafa(patriotic blogger)
 wish i could give this award to all but i should obey the rules:(
have a great day everyone....:)


  1. hey....brilliant n ME...??? you know there are many who think otherwise abt me....anyways, thanks for the award...really feeling honored...thank you so much..:))
    and Congrats to you too for getting this lovely award...

    though i m not much fond of loud music(may be bcoz of my old age..:P)..but i do like being all a patient listener too and in my room you can find books...books n only books....:))

    thanks again for the lovely award..going to display it at my space....and congratulations to all my fellow bloggers who got it from you, going to visit all those blogs now!!!

  2. you are very welcome, Haritha :) you deserve it as much as everyone else.

    "3.I love sitting alone" :D sometimes I love it too.

    have a great day :)


  3. haritha
    THNX A v first blog award!!!!yippee:)
    all 7 random things same as mine
    (not unexpected)

  4. Dear Haritha!
    Thank you very much for your gift. Honest joy.
    Unfortunately, I express myself pretty hard. A thank you to all involved, however, understandable language!
    Thank you!

  5. @irfanuddin of course u r a brilliant blogger irfanji

  6. I totally believed your response to my post today. lol I'm glad you don't use that language! You to sweet a girl to get into that kinda nonsense..

  7. How fun. I am IN LOVE with your header. Sooo amazing ;)

  8. @melynda wow! am happy u blvd it:)
    @elisabeth.thankyou!!! i 2 fell in luv with the header pic at the first sight:)

  9. Hello,

    How this was so nice, I'm so grateful.
    You do good things in this blogger world, and you deserve an exceptional award for this :)

    Keep on your way,,


  10. MJ the king of music.. he was the bst ever
    congrats on the award ..



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