Saturday, June 25, 2011

This is it!

Dear MJ,
You stole our hearts with your superlative songs, with your electrifying moves, and with your unrivaled moonwalk, like a smooth criminal.
I still remember the time when, as a kid like a fanatic I watched your videos endlessly. All pretty young things! they drived me wild..
After all when your songs are playing who can beat it?
You are the thriller!The invincible,daring and dangerous.
You made everything you touched, into gold.The king of pop , Who else can be the one? 
you told us that the man in the mirror should change first, to heal the world. you tried to change the bad, human nature with your unique songs.what more can you give?
you always are a reason to Smile. The way you make me feel ,I simply cant express.
Butyou have gone too soon, making us cry,before we could say-don’t walk away.Perhaps,Heaven could not waitbut why?
The truth is but, some people never die
Yes!you live in the hearts of a million people like mine,black or white. You rock our world!
And I wanna scream this out. I just cant NO! We just can’t stop loving you!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Advices,advices everywhere,unable to breathe!

So What’s this thing that you get free of cost in abundance and more than that everyone is very keen and generous to offer and still  we mostly don’t bother to accept???
BRAVO! Yes, it is advices! And particularly students prey fall for the glib and clichéd advices about their future .
Because here in India 10th and 12th grades, 12th   especially is considered to be the turning point in a student’s life. (I wonder why everyone is forced to turn at the same point. Won’t turning points be different for different people?)

Somebody’s opinion about what another person should do-this is how an Encarta dictionary defines the word advice
Isn’t that sounding stupid?! So everyone can advice anyone about anything!
 Suppose a person A advises a girl X about which career she should choose and Some B advises the same girl X about the same topic,  but the advices are totally different from what A has said, and both are equally good, what should this girl do???
Wouldn’t she feel lost unless she is robustly determined to follow her heart and not the advices?
So, what I understand is, these advisers are actually trying to prove and make us follow whatever they feel is right in their opinion, which they gathered from their experiences that they learnt from their life.
So let me ask you a question. Do you think that lessons one has gathered from his or her experiences would be exactly applicable to everyone?
That can’t be! It’s high time that people should stop advising glibly.

Worst of all, There is yet another group who advises every one to be practical. Such people want us to leave our dreams because for them, dreaming and achieving them are not practical in this era unless our dream is about becoming a doctor or engineer in our life!
Now are these the only professions in this whole universe?
Oh, ya! just heed their words and at the end of the day, we will definitely find ourselves walking along with a crowd where everyone shares the same identitycheers to the elders! Look at the result of being practical!
Of course it is in our hands to take or simply ignore those advices but sadly most of the time we get brain washed or influenced by our elders if we an unstable and moreover advices are highly deceptive.

Well to end this up ,given below is my definition for advice.
A few words from a perfect person, that are strong and true, with the intensity of fire that can change our life in the correct direction
and not to forget that we should get them exactly when we are in desperate need of it. Too fictitious!
so truly its advices advices everywhere and we are unable to breathe.. I have only one request to the elders--  please let us follow our heart and whatever is your reason for why we should not follow our dreams, we give self contentment the top priority and once we achieve it, no doubt this world will be at our feet!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The rebirth

Up above on the cliff she stood all alone in the dark. It was a silent evening. As silent as a churchyard. A wind was howling and a lonely bird was circling in the sky. The only sound heard was that of the waves.

She slowly moved towards the tip of the cliff and looked down at the raging sea. It was beckoning her.
“Just a few moments more and I shall close my eyes for ever in peace.” She thought.
 She closed her eyes and thought about her life. The ugliest one. The most tragic one and the most disastrous…a battle in which she had only tasted defeat, she and her life were the synonyms of failure.
Suddenly she burst out                              
I FAILED IN MY LIFE BECAUSE OF YOU,I AM A  QUITTER ,A  LOSER NOW!.YOU DITCHED ME! U GAVE ME NOTHING IN LIFE!! she shouted at the top of her lungs looking up at the sky.. A tear tickled down her cheeks,.
And With a deep breath, she threw herself into the sea…
 She felt the chill air against her body as she floated in the air. She wasn’t scared but it was a bliss.She went deep down the sea while the water splashed very high.
Slowly, down and down she went. She felt the water fast entering her ears and nose but she showed no sign of struggle. She was enjoying the serenity she had never got in her life
I am dying she thought
He gave me nothing in life .he forgot me. He does not exist. I am the mistake of godshe thought repeatedly
But something was bothering her.It was not death at all for she was loving it now better than her life.
What was it then? it was a spark in her soul.
she felt like somebody was talking to her, from within the soul.
she heard the deep voice close to her ears speaking
Dear girl, dont be a fool. .Hasn’t god given you anything?
 A life to live and show the world who you really are? but what did you do?
Like a coward you tried to hide yourself from life.
why? because of your sufferings?
Ah dear girl! WHAT YOU LACKED WAS A DREAM .A DREAM TO FOLLOW. Had you had one ,all the pains would have dissolved in your never knew that.God cant make mistakes. He can’t ditch anyone…”
And the voice stopped and she opened her eyes very wide. The salt water blistered her eyes, but a desire shone brightly in them. Something she never had before.
But By then death had entangled her .Her lungs were burning. she couldn’t breath. Her heart hardly was beating.
But with all her left strength,she dived upwards.water choked her.she gasped for breath.Like a fish out of water she struggled in water.
GOD! for the first time she called, with all her heart.what a coward am i..
By then all she wanted was to live her life…But she was dying. Minutes passed by and she was drowning.
But suddenly her eyes caught a sight. she was sure that it was not a mirage..
out of nowhere came an odd ship…it quickly neared her.
what an ecstatic sight it was. She felt confidence pouring into her heart.
As the ship neared an old man  offered his hand to her and said
It’s the rebirth. Believe in yourselves”.
His smile was strange.bewildered,she eagerly holded his hands and climbed onto the deck.she was pale and weak.she felt like she was slipping away. Into another world.
is this my end??NO,I don’t want to die she whispered unclearly.
Through her narrow eyes, she saw the old man coming towards her. His eyes were hypnotic .unusually divine….
She closed her eyes slowly


Birds chirped enthusiastically. And the dawn was breaking. the golden rays  were gradually spreading. she woke up and sat down. She was on the shore.
To her left she saw the cliff from which she had jumped into the sea last night.
I am alive! she shouted in high spirits.
She tried to recall what had happened to her last night. Everything seemed like a dream.
and the ship?? she suddenly stood up and looked around. The ship was gone. Nor were there any traces of that old man.
she was alone there. She felt an incredible change. To her body and mind. Her heart was full of determination. To live her life,to win the battle. It was the rebirth. No pain, no sorrows, and no torments could cripple her again. Her mind overflowed with positive energy.
But something else was haunting her.the face of that old man
but Who was he?”,she asked to herself.A thousand questions rose in her mind.
‘that voice and that old man..they have something in common.The voice, the ship, the man,those eyes,the divinity,the smile.. What can they all mean????” she thought
She didnt notice that she was crying. And little did she knew that those tears came out at the realization of a big truth.
the truth.
it means,she sobbeb and looked up at the sky, that it was  you???,dear god!.
She turned around and started to walk.. …
Somewhere far the church bell rang and the waves splashed against the rock like never before….

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Red Rose...

Promises were broken and they parted
Leaving the red rose behind
She lay there all alone.
Slept silently in the cold.
The Dewdrops were her tears in disguise

A breeze gently kissed her cheeks,
But it couldn’t carry her fragrance afar,
Because she was withering.
Like those separated. Empty, loveless, hearts,
her petals scattered

Unnoticed, crushed and young,she died
And faded away
Her untold story died along.
The once, beautiful red rose
Now sleeps deep down the earth
Alas! How many like her……….